Mike Malone, KD5KXF


QRP Quarterly Editor

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QRP Quarterly

APR 2023

QRP Quarterly - JUL 2024
Table of Contents - And More! 

FDIM 2024 Logic IC Xmitter Winner - WB2CBA
Flex Power for Small Projects - KCØZNG
“Amplify” a Baofeng Mic - WB8BEL
Software CW Filter — KC9ON
A Poor Man’s KH1 — AH6CY
Stealth Ops from Unlikely Locations - VK1UN
An ALC Box to Adjust QRP Power — W2BX
FDIM 2024: Another Great Series — KB6NU
QRP Connections at FDIM Vendor Night — NJ7V
Gabil GRA7359T Port HF Ant — VE3IPS
NORCAL 40B: A Classic Kit Returns — KØNEB

And much much more!


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