Top Band Sprint

Top Band Sprint

2025 QRP-ARCI  Top Band Sprint

Always the first Thursday of December (Zulu)


December 4th 2025, 0000Z - 0300Z

(7PM to 10PM EST Weds Night Dec 3 2025 EST)

A very rewarding multi-mode contest on 160m

Put up a vertical or operate with a wire in the park.
With a little bit of planning YOU can work a 160m contest with QRP !

 A) Date/Time:

0000Z to 0300Z on 4 December 2025

(Note, this is the evening of  3 December 2025 in North America)

B) Mode:

SSB, CW or Mixed Modes.  Work stations once per mode if entering the Mixed Mode category.

C) Exchange:

Members send:  RS(T), State/Province/Country, ARCI member number
Non-Members send:  RS(T), State/Province/Country, Power Out

D) QSO Points:

Member = 5 points
Non-Member, Different Continent = 4 points
Non-Member, Same Continent = 2 points

Note: for Mixed Mode entries, the same station may be worked for QSO points; e.g., same N.A. station on CW and SSB would be worth four points.

E) Multiplier:

SPC (State/Province/Country) total for single mode (CW or SSB).

Note: for the Mixed Mode category, the same station may be worked for SPC credit on CW and SSB; e.g., same N.A. station on CW and SSB would be worth two S/P/C multipliers.

F) Power Multiplier: 


>10 Watts = x1
>2 - 10 Watts = x7
>500mW - 2 Watts = x10
>100mW - 500mW = x15
  100mW or less = x20

For CW QSOs:

>5 Watts = x1
>1 - 5 Watts = x7
>250 mW - 1 Watt = x10
>55 mW - 250 mW = x15
  55mW or less = x20

G) Suggested Frequencies:

CW:  around 1810 kHz
SSB:  around 1910 kHz

*Please remember that 1830 to 1835 kHz should be used for intercontinental QSO's only

H) Score:

Final Score = QSO Points (total for one mode OR both modes if entered in the Mixed Mode category) x SPCs (total for one mode OR both modes if entered in the Mixed Mode category) x Power Multiplier

I) Categories:

Entry may be SSB, CW or Mixed Mode


Entry may be A1 or A2

A1: Single Element Antenna

If you are using a single element antenna such as a dipole, inverted V, loop, or a vertical you can enter the A1 category. ( Note that with a vertical you can have as many radials as you want but only one “vertical” element. )

A2: Multiple Element Antenna

If you are using a multi element beam, vertical array, or any antenna that has more than one driven element or uses reflective or directive elements you are in the A2 category. 

J) How to Participate:

Get on top band and hang out near the QRP frequencies listed above.  Work as many stations calling CQ QRP or CQ TEST as possible, or call CQ QRP or CQ TEST yourself!  You can work a station for credit once on each band.

K) Online Log Submission:

Submit all logs via

L) Deadline:

Entries must be posted on or before 19 December


Contest Calendar 2025

12 April 2025 - Spring QSO Party 00:00Z-06:00Z

26 May 2025 - Hoot Owl Sprint 00:00Z-01:00Z 

13 July 2025 - Homebrew Sprint  20:00Z-23:00Z

11 October 2025 - Fall QSO Party 00:00Z-23:59Z

04 December 2025 - Top Band Sprint 00:00Z-03:00Z

14 December 2025 - Holiday Spirits Sprint  20:00Z-23:00Z

All logging to be turned in via

And don't forget to check for other QRP contests.