The Four State QRP Group (4SQRP) produce a great range of quality kits to support their OzarkCon QRP conference. The range is regularly updated, support is available from the designers and fellow builders. These are absolute gems - visit the website regularly !
Alpha Antenna
The Founder of Alpha Antenna, a division of Productive Industries, LLC, is Steven Deines. First licensed as an Amateur Radio operator in 1979 as KA0GNX, for decades Steven exclusively operated a TenTec Century 21, which is a CW only rig. Steve says, "Amateur Radio kept me out of trouble as a youth, and taught me that hams are the best people you could ever know."
Dan's Small Parts and Kits
Source of QRP parts and kits
Amplified Parts
Small kits, caps, knobs, screws and nuts, crystal earphones, etc
American Morse Company
I made enclosures for the NorCal 38 Special, Rainbow Tuner, Small Wonder Labs SW series, NorCal 20, Red Hot Radio 40. I also came out with the Straight Key and then the Porta Paddle. The Mitybox for the SWL Rockmite just keeps going. I continue to operate my CNC Machine Shop & work on new designs for Amateur Radio.
Circuit Specialists
Circuit Specialists provides you with quality electronic equipment, components, and accessories at remarkably low prices. Simply smart circuitry since 1971.
Breadboard Radio
QRP Kits by Breadboard Radio are easy to build and fun to use!
Home of Elecraft Radio
ESS Crystals
HF Amateur Radio Frequencies in both HC-49 and cylindrical formats
Electronic Goldmine
Electronic Goldmine has all kinds of parts, kits, odds and ends that come in handy for the builder and operator. They offer a catalog as well. Check this site often as they change specials almost every day.
Far Circuits
Printed circuit board design and fabrication for Amateur Radio and hobby projects.
Jameco Electronics
Jameco Electronics is an American electronic component and tool distributor. It was founded in 1974 by Dennis Farrey in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, California and is currently headquartered in Belmont, California, where it also operates a brick and mortar store.
Ham Gadgets
We are the exclusive distributor for all of Jonathan KM4CFT QRP kits.
K1EL Keyers and Kits
K1EL Systems was started back in 1995 by Steve, K1EL. He began with his PIC based keyer design, the K8 IC. The focus has always been to provide parts and kits to hams who like to have fun building their own gear. Today we offer a wide variety of amateur radio related ICs as well as full kits.
Kanga Products (UK)
Supplier of quality kits. Based in UK but ships Worldwide. UK/EU sole supplier for LNR Precision, other notable products, the W1REX Rockmite ][ kits, the Kanga K16 keyer (based on the K1EL K16 I.C.), an 80m SDR receiver and a Stockton power meter, G-QRP Regen Receiver. Builders interested in Arduino will appreciate the M0XPD designed shields for a DDS VFO and a version of the famous 'Sudden' transmitter.
LNR Precision
We are an engineering/manufacturing company at heart and still are in a phase where we busy manufacturing products and do not have dedicated staff to constantly monitor email. We pride ourselves on customer service so we take each inquiry seriously but please give us as much detail as possible to help us be best equipped to answer efficiently. Thank you!
Kits and Parts
Great source for toroids, and other very handy to have QRP parts. Also offers a wide variety of kits for the beginner and advanced builders. Owned and operated now by Mike Maiorana KU4QO. Contact him at mike@kitsandparts.com
Mouser Electronics
A good source for parts. No minimum order
N3ZI Kits
Our products are not for beginners. They are intended for experienced kit builders who know how to solder and have previously assembled other kits, and have a modest level of technical capability. They are intended for licensed amateur radio operators for their own personal use. We may sell to other buyers who feel they have the required technical expertise. You should download and review the technical manual before ordering to make sure you are capable of building the kit. If you receive a kit and decide that you do not have the expertise to assemble it, please return it to us within 10 days and we will refund your payment.
Netty Electronics
Lots of useful parts for the QRP constructor - toroids, semiconductors, magnet wire. Also stocks some hard to get parts that are discontinued by other suppliers. Business is owned by Earl VE3AB but all prices are in US dollars.
NM0S Electronics
Sit back, pour a cup of coffee, and plug in the soldering iron. You've come to the NMØS ham shack. Are you looking for a fun and easy to build kit? Parts to build a new project? It's all here....
Nightfire Electronics
Source of small electronic kits and parts.
QRP Guys - Kits
Our specialty will be low cost, high enjoyment kits for the builder that can be assembled in an evening or two. The criteria for our kit designs, are items that are unique in some way, combine features not normally seen, low in cost, and provide satisfaction in completion. Our kits are individually rated in difficulty from easy to build, to ones that require expanded skills.
Pro Audio Engineering
The only portable DC supply designed for HF communications, 1000's sold, guaranteed quiet in your application. We also carry heat sinks for your Elecraft KX3, and many different Mix 31 ferrite products for HF choke use.
Pacific Antenna Kits
Pacific Antenna is the operator of QRPkits, a company that specializes in high quality, low cost QRP Kits.
QRP Labs
A very nice beacon transmitter for QRSS and WSPR. Works on any band from 2200m to 2m with an option to operate on up to 6 bands.
Portable products for portable Elecraft Rigs
QRPme is NOT a club or big time organization! It is THE part time business of 1 guy, Rex Harper, W1REX. All the kits offered on this website are designed, kitted, updated, packed and shipped by 1 guy. At times personal commitments take precedence over kitting & shipping kits so shipping times may vary. QRPme has one of the widest ranges of kits for the QRP community and we strive to ship kits within 2 or 3 weeks from receiving your order.
Well known for the MKARS80 - an 80m SSB transceiver based on the BITX20 design. Now include an SDR receiver and digital SWR meter in the range
Reseller of Xiegu radios and Antennas, as well GMRS, Shortwave, and FRS gear. Contributor to the 29th FDIM (2025) door prizes.
Famous for the much loved MP1 SuperStick vertical antenna. The range is now expanded to include a portable HF yagi and wire antennas. Great products for QRP operators when hiking, on the beach or at home where a permanent antenna cannot be deployed.
"The Portable Radio Specialists". Based in the UK, SOTAbeams is operated by Richard Newstead, G3CWI. There is lots here for the QRP portable operator including HF wire antennas, portable VHF beams and telescoping masts. SOTAbeams also offer the compact Palm morse keys, desk stands for various QRP radios and Antenna Tuners.
Surplus Sales of Nebraska
Surplus Sales of Nebraska has one of the largest selections of new and hard-to-find equipment and electronic parts. We have over 20,000 individual items on hand for immediate shipping! We feature hard to find RF equipment and transmitting components as well as a huge selection of Collins parts, transformers, motors, carbon composite resistors, vacuum capacitors, and much more.
Tufteln - Portable Ham Gear
Amateur Radio and Electronic Hobby Kits, Parts, and Accessories