QRP ARCI Contests

Welcome to the QRP ARCI contest pages.

We sponsor several contests each year with the emphasis on having fun !

Geared completely to the QRPer, these contests are an excellent way to test out your new gear, antennas, or your homebrew creations. Not only can you compete in the various contests but you can also work on the many QRP awards offered both by QRP ARCI as well as other organizations and you can also add to your DX QRP totals or complete your QRP DXCC, WAS, WAC etc.

There are categories to suit just about everyone’s contesting needs including SSB and CW. There is also the A1 antenna category for those stations using single element antennas such as Verticals, Dipoles, Inverted V’s, Loops, long wires, etc. and we also have the A2 antenna category for those using multi element beams or arrays. This way everyone can compete with similarly equipped stations using similar type antennas.

Most of our contests also offer Single Band entries, Low Band entries, High Band entries and of course All Band entries. There are even power multipliers for using different power levels from 5 Watts down to just a few milliWatts!

You do not have to be able to run pile ups, copy 30 wpm CW, or generate 100s of QSOs. In fact you don’t have to be a contester at all to enjoy the fun - just get on the air, make a few QSOs, and be sure to send in a log. Except for the Spring and Fall QSO Parties most of our contests are only a few hours in length so you don’t have to commit an entire weekend to being on the air. Just get on for an hour or two and make some QSOs.  Even a few QSOs could win you a certificate!

Instant Logging is now available:  https://qrpcontest.com 

The pace of the QRP ARCI Contests are very relaxed and laid back for the most part compared to other contests. It’s the perfect place to practice your contesting skills if you are new to contesting and the perfect platform if you just want to test your latest antenna project or see how far you can be heard running just a few milliwatts into a ground mounted vertical for example.  You can even operate portable, field day style, such as at the beach, in a park, etc. and receive bonus points in most of our contests for your effort.

QRP Quarterly

OCT 2024

QRP Quarterly - JAN 2025
Table of Contents - And More!  

Mag Tape for your Key—N9DK
Filtering and No Free Lunch—K1SWL
Fixing a 6BTV——N5BGZ
Antennas for Pedestrian Mobile—VK3YE
Michigan Mighty Mite Revival at FDIM—AB8DF,W3ETE
Understanding Magnetics-Inductors and Transformers: A Tutorial—Mert Nellis—WØUFO (SK)
Hiking and Hamming at Allatoona Pass—AA4BW
Biz Travel, QRP, SOTA and DX Contacts—VE3IPS
CFTI Transceiver Review—NJ7V

And much much more!


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January 2015

 from $25 per year